
Mr Jeremy Loy (I/C)
Ms Oh Hui Qi
Ms Cassandra Tay
CCA Schedule
Mondays and Wednesdays from 4pm to 6pm
School Hall
CCA Exco Structure

Highlights / Achievements
Our ‘B’ Division teams represented the school in the North Zone Volleyball Championship. The girls have given their best and demonstrated friendship and teamwork for every match and improved their standing in their grouping.
The ‘B’ Division was played in a simpler format due to Safe Management Measures. The North Zone Volleyball was played 3 v 3 with three teams of four players with three reserves. The girls showed resilience to quickly adjust to the new playing format and to understand and improve their individual skills to face the competition.
‘B’ girls put up a strong fight with our opponents and believe that they are in good stead to achieve Top four in the North zone soon.
With SMM Phase 2HA, the Volleyball girls showed strong resilience again by adjusting quickly to e-CCA. They had to rush home after school and find any small space at house to carry out the physical training. In positive light, it gave our coach opportunity to show our girls good moves or play through videos and explain the rationale to improve their understanding of the game. E-CCA also gave coach opportunity to give personal feedback to the girls so that our girls can make improvement to their individual skills.
With less physical trainings together, Volleyball girls valued the time together and bonded closely across different levels.