D’ Lite Club

Mdm Malar Velee Perusal (IC)
Mr Jonathan Ong
Ms Sonam Vijaykumar Kusurkar
CCA Schedule
Thursday (3:45 pm to 6 pm)
Note: There may be CCA sessions on Tuesday during the months leading up to competitions.
CCA Executive Committee (2023/24) Structure
President |
Lim Enzi 3E3 |
Vice-President (Upper Secondary) |
Nurul Aishah 3E3 |
Vice-President (Lower Secondary) |
Kwan Xin Ai 3E3 |
Logistics Manager |
Clarissa Jong 2 Soar |
Logistics Manager |
Ngoi Xin En 2 Seek |
Welfare Manager |
Emily Loh 3E1 |
Welfare Manager |
Sarah Lee 3N1 |
Media Director |
Cheo Le Yao 2 Seek |
Secretary |
Yeng Kai Qi 3E3 |
Key Student Outcomes
D’lite Drama Club aims to provide opportunities for budding thespians to: discover and develop their strengths, their skills and their fullest potential to express themselves through drama and theatre.
Highlights / Achievements
Singapore Youth Festival (SYF) Arts Presentation 2023
Certificate of Achievement for the play, My Dancing Shoes
Certificate of Achievement for the play, Wu Song and The Tigress
Singapore Youth Festival (SYF) Arts Presentation 2021
Certificate of Achievement for the play, Fly High
Certificate of Achievement for the play, Hashtag Family
International Science Drama Competition (ISDC) 2021
“The Green Block” by Dlite Sec 1 (Yishun Secondary School)
Grand Finals (Open Category): Merit Award
Singapore Finals (Open Category): 3rd Place
Events in 2023
Learning Journey to ACJC’s play “As You Like It”
Sec 4 Farewell Party
SYF 2023 Video
Student’s Quotes
"D’lite Drama Club expanded my knowledge and interest in theatre. Being in the drama club taught me many interesting things like learning how to act as a different character while being able to express myself, managing the stage, directing plays, and improvising on the spot. As the President, I am more than willing to pass on my excitement in theatre to my club members and take the club to greater heights."
Lim Enzi (President)
"D'lite has given me many opportunities to learn skills such as script writing etc. Before joining D'lite I was skeptical about acting as I was not sure I was confident enough. However, upon joining D'lite I had gained so much confidence.The members constantly supported each other. Through D'lite I also managed to meet more people, and become friends with them!"
Nurul Aishah (Upper Secondary Vice-President)
"D’lite has given me countless things, from learning new skills to making new friends. This club also gives me the chance to try new things and to explore the world of acting. I have tried many things, acting, making props and even playing traditional music. To add on, being in this club, I get to experience the rush of SYF performances, how everyone manages their own role and the feelings before and after a performance on stage. Without D’lite, I doubt I would have experienced these thrilling events!"
Kwan Xin Ai (Lower Secondary Vice-President)
“Being in D’Lite has helped me build my confidence and expand my interest in theatre. In D’Lite, I not only learnt how to express myself on stage when acting, but also learnt the different types of props that needs to be used and the placement of props matter in a drama play. To me, D’Lite is a very big family that never fails to welcome each other. When I first joined D’Lite, I was a very shy person, but slowly I began to open up as the environment in D’Lite was very inclusive and warm. I made many new friends and created many wonderful memories with them. Without D’lite, I would have never made these fond memories with my friends.”
Clarissa Jong (Logistics Manager)
"Being in D'Lite helped me expand my interest in acting and also build my confidence . Other than acting, I also learnt about what goes behind the scenes of acting, backstage crew. I learnt how to make many new props and how the tiniest details matter in a drama play. D'Lite has definitely made me feel welcomed, being able to express myself freely. Without D'Lite, I am certain that I would have never made these fond memories with my friends and peers."
Ngoi Xin En (Logistics Manager)
"Being in D’Lite helped me to be more confident and willing to express myself. In D’Lite, all of us are willing to share our opinions and feedback, which allows me to learn how to see things from different perspectives and also share my opinions freely. D’Lite is like a big and warm family to me and played a big part in my secondary school journey. I made many many friends, got to know many many people and created many many memories that I will never forget."
Emily Loh (Welfare Manager)
"Being in D'lite not only helped me to become a better actor but to also meet new friends as well as to make fond memories with the club!"
Sarah Lee (Welfare Manager)
"D’lite improved my school life in general. It helped me open up, be myself and expand my social circle. I made new friends, experienced many interesting things like watching plays or performing in front of a crowd and I have learnt many things. D’lite made me feel included no matter what and I feel like myself during the cca sessions. I also made fond memories with my friends during cca like open house, SYF, going out and watching plays and more. D’lite taught me how to act and also the thought out behind all the props and the placement of the props. All the little details matter a lot and I didn’t know it until I joined d’lite. D’lite is a place for me to express myself and it is a place where I make many sweet memories."
Cheo Le Yao (Media Director)
"Being in D’lite has helped me to learn more about myself as well as how I can improve myself. When I first joined the CCA I didn’t have the confidence to perform in the CCA. But since everyone was so welcoming, I slowly opened up. Throughout my journey, I also made new friends as well as learn the basic of acting."
Yeng Kai Qi (Secretary)